
CH Fancy Hair Rosycheeks "Fancy"

CH Fancy Hair Rosycheeks

sire: CH Risingstar’s What Legends are Made of
dam: CH Epiphany of Joy Labakan Slovakia

Polish Champion
red merle female
DOB / datum narození: April 21, 2021
Váha (Weight): 22kg
Výška (Height): 51 cm
DKK (Hips): B
DLK (Elbows) : 0/0
OCD Shoulders: nepostižen / clear
Full dentition (Plnochrupá)
Scissors bite (Nůžkový skus)

CEA: clear  +/+
PRA: clear  +/+
HSF: clear  +/+
MDR: clear  +/+
DM: clear +/+